for studios & schools
The Bulk Buying Program is a great option for company owners looking for a new, local and reliable source of dance supplies for their school, production and/or studio.
For our program, the focus is on bulk orders and supplying in-studio shops with the supplies they want and need. Order as little as once a year or as frequently as weekly!
Perks of Bulk Buying

Purchasing company uniforms for resale year-round (I.E. basics such as ballet shoes, leotards, tights, hair kits, etc).
Purchasing unique uniform needs year-round based on recitals/performances, etc (IE tutus, specialty tights, specialty shoes). Perfect for studios/schools who don't stock product on hand at the studio.
For studios who like to offer fashion options, this is a great chance to shop fashion apparel.
Want studio-labeled items like water bottles, jackets, makeup bags, etc? We can do that, too.
Custom Fitting Kits to keep at the studio to fit students as needed (such as new enrollments or costume planning). Perfect for studios/schools who don't stock product on hand at the studio.
This program offers multiple tiers of discounts based on order totals.
Payment plans (such as AfterPay and Net Terms) for every budget are available*
subject to total amount due
There is no time, marketing or minimum order rate commitment when using our Wholesale Program. Use it as little or as frequently as you want!
Only our terms and conditions apply to each purchase.
We do not offer studio bulk purchases of pointe shoes (or demi shoes) for stock purposes.
For foundations, programs and companies who want to pay for shoes on behalf of their dancers, we offer seperate terms and conditions. To discuss this option, please email for further assistance.
Apply Today
Let us help make supplying your dancers with everything they need easy, cost effective and rewarding. Looking to switch from another large-chain supplier? Let us help you! With our services, we'll be able to help you establish a completely customized line of merchandise to stock at the studio without the hassle of trying to find affordable, reliable, and convenient options alone. The best part is, you can pick and choose from thousands of options including limited fashion without being restricted to limited selections or only a handful of vendors.